Senior assistant Diana Stoyanova PHD is a tutor in the Department of Cultural and Historical Heritage and Tourism at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT). She is a scientific secretary with the Institute for Informing Science, Knowledge Management and Security at the same university. She is Director of the Publishing House Za Bukvite and Editor-in-Chief of the luxury journal Za Bukvite- O Pismeneh (http://zabukvite.org/).
Diana Stoyanova is a PhD in 3.5 – Social Communications and Information Sciences in Doctoral Program ”Epistemology“ She gives lectures and seminars on: “Rites and Rituals in Traditional Bulgarian Culture”, “Theory and History of Culture”, “Rituals and Social Attitudes”, “Epistemology Basics” and “Cities in the Bulgarian Lands”.
Diana Stoyanova is a lecturer with the International Southeastern Summer University and a Project Manager of Scientific Research projects in scientific areas like: “Humanitarian Sciences and Arts” and “Social Sciences” realized within the Ordinance on the Conditions and Order of Evaluation, Planning, Distribution and Spending of State Budget Funds for Financing the State Higher Schools Scientific and/or Artistic Activity (published in State Gazette, issue 73, 16.Sept. 2016, in force since 01. Jan. 2017) of the Ministry of Education and the Bulgarian Science Fund. She has organized and carried out scientific expeditions with the participation of PhD students and BA students in Strandja Mountain since 2011. She is a leader of a group of PhD students and BA students from ULSIT who created in 2012 and registered on behalf of ULSIT the trademark “Liuborodie”, which for a 5th consecutive year has helped create thematic Posters representing the results of scientific research expeditions on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Diana Stoyanova PhD has worked in cooperation on projects with popular and proven scientists and specialists from different spheres of science. She is one of the authors of the documentary “People from Strandja Tell Stories” (2013) with results from field trips in Strandja Mountain. The documentary includes some unknown until now stories, photos and facts on the events of the heroic 1903 related to the fight of Edirne Bulgarians for freedom.
Diana Stoyanova is a participant and scientific consultant for the first 3D documentary in the Steps in the Fire. (http://www.stepsinthefire.com/)
She is a member of the Knowledge Management University Youth Academy at ULSIT.
The scientific interests of Diana Stoyanova PhD lie in the field of Epistemology, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cultural Studies, Advertising, etc.