University Youth Knowledge Academy (UNYKA)

The universities, as educational institutions, are taking the necessary steps to build structures that meet the directives of the the “Horizon 2020” of the European Commission to develop key technologies for economic recovery, in the context of the knowledge triangle – research, education and innovation.
The University of Library Studies and Information Technologies has made a step in that direction, establishing the University Youth Knowledge Academy, based on the main educational paradigm of UNESCO – by accredited qualification to certified skills.
Since 2015 the University Youth Knowledge Academy (UNYKA) is the legal successor of the Summer Knowledge Academy (SKA), which was established in 2013 and formed its structure by decision of the Academic Council of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, as it appears a specific service unit with scientific and methodological character in the structure of ULSIT.
The main activity of the Academy is organization and implementation of training modules for students from the three educational degrees – bachelor, master and PhD in the form of courses, seminars, master classes, summer schools, internships, practices and other joint initiatives, according to the requirements for conducting fundamental and applied research in accredited professional fields at ULSIT. In this way the innovation activity is stimulated and a united educational environment is created for students, PhD students and young scientists in the field of social communications and information sciences, informatics and computer sciences and national security.
Among the main goals of the Academy is to promote the participation of students, PhD students and young scientists in various thematic competitions, projects and others, that are aimed at increasing their opportunities for self-improvement and professional development by creating new knowledge and new configurations of existing knowledge.
The main tasks of the Academy are to provide wider access to knowledge and its dissemination by as a link between business and education to support the education and professional development of students, doctoral students and young scientists and representatives of other universities in Bulgaria and abroad or from various institutions and business.