The Municipality of Malko Tarnovo successfully develops and participates in projects with different orientations, thanks to which it modernizes, makes better and improves the quality of its activity. The priority of the municipality is rural, hunting and cultural tourism. In all sectors of the economy, restructuring and privatization of existing state and municipal enterprises are underway, and in some cases they are already a fact. Mining and agriculture have an exceptional impact on the entire Strandzha region. The Municipality of Malko Tarnovo contributes to the stimulation of civic activity and research in the region through long-term partnership and cooperation with ULSIT in a number of educational, scientific and cultural initiatives.

“Prof. Al. Fol” town of Malko Tarnovo
One of the permanent partners of ULSIT, together with which field research and studies in various fields of science are carried out annually. The History Museum “Prof. Al. Fol”, town of Malko Tarnovo is the first museum in the town of Malko Tarnovo. It was established in 1983 under the name “Strandzha Museum Complex” and is the result of intensive work in the region under the Strandzha-Sakar program. It was restructured in 2002 into the Municipal History Museum.

One of the permanent partners of ULSIT. Almost every year PhD students and students from ULSIT carry out joint research with specialists from the museum. The Regional History Museum – Yambol is an authoritative museum institution that has an important role in the process of identifying movable and immovable cultural heritage. The museum has a very good material base, restoration studios and a renovated permanent exhibition. Local intellectuals, who started the historical research in the area, are one of the reasons for the establishment of the Yambol History Museum, due to the collection and research activities. To the first steps of history, there are three departments in the museum: historical, which includes the historical development of Yambol and prehistory until 1944, socialist construction, reflecting the events after 1944 and science department. The first exhibits are part of the museum collection of the archeological societies. Over time, the museum's activity grew, as did the number of specialists working in the museum. As a result of the achievements of its rich funds and good specialists in recent years, the Regional History Museum – Yambol has organized over 30 large-scale exhibitions related to the history of the city and the region.
Bolyarovo Municipality is located in the southeastern part of Yambol region, as its southern border coincides with the national border of the Republic of Bulgaria with the Republic of Turkey. Designated as a region for targeted support, according to the indicators of Article 6 of the Regional Development Act, Potential for development of different types of tourism is contained in the natural and cultural and historical resources on the territory of Bolyarovo municipality. Here is created and preserved life of ancient times. Traces from the Thracian settlements have been found in the lands of the villages of Krainovo, Popovo, Iglika, Dennitsa and Kamen Vrah. Of importance in the system of cultural values of Bolyarovo municipality are the restored ethnographic museum in Bolyarovo, the house-museum of Stefan Karadja in his native village Stefan Karadjovo, the museum collections in the villages of Voden and Popovo, monuments and churches. Bolyarovo Municipality has a long-term partnership and cooperation with ULSIT in a number of educational, scientific and cultural initiatives.

Elhovo Municipality is located in the southeastern part of the Republic of Bulgaria and is included in the administrative-territorial boundaries of Yambol region. The Municipality of Elhovo contributes greatly to the stimulation of civic activity and research on its territory. The municipality is a long-term partner of ULSIT in a number of cultural events and initiatives.

The Ethnographic Museum – Elhovo has a rich fund, which includes documents and a large photo archive, which stores over 8000 original documents and photographs related to the development of this area from the Liberation to the present day. Priority in the main museum fund in terms of manufacturing technology, uniqueness and originality, scientific and artistic value have exhibits from the departments “Clothing and jewelry” and “Fabrics and embroidery”, the work of both the local population and the Bulgarian settlers from Edirne and Aegean Thrace. The museum has over 3,050 volumes of specialized literature and over 1,600 units of specialized scientific journals, which are available to pupils, students, PhD students and teachers. The museum contributes to the stimulation of scientific research in the region through the implementation of specific scientific, educational and cultural events together with ULSIT.
Malko Tarnovo Tourist Information Center is a long-term partner in various educational and cultural initiatives. The main goal of this tourist information center is to diversify and improve the tourist offer and promotion of the city. The tourist information center contributes to the full use of the rich resource potential of the municipality. The center provides the connection between the various entrepreneurs for the formation of a complete tourist product. Develops programs, advertising materials, initiatives, etc. together with ULSIT, in order to promote the cultural and natural heritage of the region.