Petya Aleksova graduates 135 “John Amos Comenius” high school in Sofia back in 2011. Since 2015 she is studying “Communications and information” in the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Some of the projects Petya actively participates in include:
- Research projects on the topic: "Contemporary approaches to diffusion of Information, knowledge and hypotheses - an innovative model for motivation of postdoctoral students, PhD Students, young scientists and students" related to "Funding for the Research of Young Scientists - 2016" research, with project leader Ch. Assoc. Prof. Diana Stoyanova, PhD.
Research project on the topic: "Innovative model for research and socialization of Strandzha and it’s literary-documentary heritage” under “Funding for Fundamental Research - 2016" of the Scientific Research Fund, with project leader Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Savova
Cultural research project on the historical heritage and the social processes in the region of the Southeastern border (International Southeastern Summer University), headed by Chief Assist. Assoc. Prof. Diana Stoyanova, PhD. The project aims at strengthening joined cooperation and efforts to implement various activities in the field of science, culture and tourism between the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies and the three border municipalities: Bolyarovo, Elhovo and Malko Tarnovo.