Eva Tsenkova has graduated High School in 2015 at the “Velizar Peev” High School in Svoge with “Business Administration” specialty. Since 2015 she is studying Bachelor's degree program „Communication and Informationing” at the State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT). Her professional experience, gained from 2015 until now, is in the field of trade and consultancy services and for a year she has been part of theSULSIT as an expert at the Institute for Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies.
Eva Tzenkova participates in different scientific forums and other scientific events organized by SULSIT, presenting her own reports, scientific publications and posters. She is part of numerous research projects, including:
- Scientific research project "Modern approaches to diffusion of information, knowledge and hypotheses - an innovative model to motivate post-doctoral fellows, PhD students, young scientists and students", Competition for financial support for projects of junior researchers – 2016 of National Science Fund with project leader Chief Assist. Diana Stoyanova, PhD.
- Scientific research project: "An Innovative Model for Research and Socialization of the Strandja Library and Documentary Heritage" Competition for financial support for fundamental research projects – 2016 of National Science Fund with project leader Prof. Elena Savova, PhD.
- Scientific research project: „Ethnic Identity of the Modern Bulgarian“, with project leader DSc. Majana Mitevska, (psych.).
She takes an active part in the International South-East Summer University (ISESU) that was adopted by Academic Council on 27 October 2014 and it is headed by Chief Assist. Prof. Diana Stoyanova. ISESU is aiming to strength the joint cooperation and unification of efforts for realization of various activities in the field of science, culture and tourism between the Rector of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies Prof. Stoyan Denchev and the Mayors: Hristo Hristov (Municipality of Bolyarovo), Petar Kirov (Municipality of Elhovo) and Ilian Yanchev (Municipality of Malko Tarnovo).
She is a member of the SULSIT Student’s Council as a head representative of "Communications and Informationing" class. She is an active member at University Youth Knowledge Academy (UNYKA) at SULSIT.