Assoc. Prof. PhD. Hristiyan Atanasov is a lecturer at the Department of Library Management and Archives, head of the Department of Cultural and Historical Heritage of the University Youth Academy for Knowledge Management. He is a PhD in History and Associate Professor in the field of Public Communications and Information Sciences (Ottoman sources for Bulgarian history during the Revival period). Lecturer at Foreign Archives, Archives of Balkan States, Archives and Information Society and Digital Archives. He is also a lecturer at the University of National and World Economy. Long-time Archives State Agency employee and archivist in the Oriental Collections Departmant at National Library of Bulgaria. He has worked in the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Finance. He is the author of the monographs: “In the Ottoman Periphery: Society and Economy in Vidin and its Region in the XVIII Century.” (2008) and “Development of agricultural credit in the Danube Vilayet: The agricultural cooperative funds in the 60s and 70s of the 19th century (based on unpublished information sources)” (2017), other scientific books, studies and articles in Bulgarian and English languages. Author of the "Introduction to Archival and Documentary Heritage of Central Europe and the Balkans" (2017). He has participated in a number of national projects. Member of the Center for Monetary Studies and Center for Economic and Historical Research.