Svetoslava Dimitrova was born on 04.11.1991 in Sofia. In 2010 she completed her secondary education at high school of English language – National Secondary School "Sofia", with a humanitarian profile "Law" and English, Sofia. In 2014, she earns a Bachelor's degree in "Print Communications" at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia, developing and defending a diploma thesis entitled "Characteristics of e-content creation projects", headed by Prof. Dr. Elena Pavlovska. In 2016, she successfully defended Master’s Degree in "Electronic Content: Innovation and Policies" at ULSIT. The developed and perfectly protected diploma thesis for the Master's degree is entitled "Means and methods of protection of e-content in the information environment", with scientific leader Prof. Dr. Elena Pavlovska. In 2011-2012 she is a reporter in electronic magazine "Varhove" / Portal for mountaineers / in Sofia, and in 2013 published her own articles in Spisanie.to. She has worked as Deputy Editor-in-Chief of UNA News Bulgaria (http://news.unabg.org/), a project of the United Nations Association in Bulgaria, with a department in "Ecology and Development". Besides being an editor, Dimitrova was also a specialist in Information Services and a junior specialist "Civil Registration and Administrative Services".
Svetoslava Dimitrova participates in competitive and scientific forums. In 2014, she took the first place in the essay contest "The Book between Clichés and Reality", on the occasion of the International Book and Copyright Day – 23rd April, part of the ULSIT project "The Book - Our More Senseful Present". In the same year, she won second place in the Twitter category in the National Competition "Education Enlightens", organized by the National Students Council Representation (NSSC). In 2016 and 2017 she is among the winners in the Young Poets and Writers Competition "Literary Spring in Slivnitsa", organized by Slivnitsa Municipality. She is a member of the University Youth Knowledge Academy at ULSIT, “Intellectual Property” expert group.
In October 2017 she was assigned as a PhD student in the Doctoral Program "Organization and Management of Information Processes" at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies.
She has good computer skills, fluent in English and Russian. She has the skills to work in a team, she has a creative approach to carrying out the assigned tasks, she is highly motivated to achieve high results, and can stimulate and encourage others.