Ralitsa Yotova has graduated High School in 2011 at the 81st High School "Viktor Hugo" in Sofia with English and French profiled education and additional "History" classes. In 2015 she successfully defended a Bachelor's degree in "National Security and Cultural Heritage" at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT) with bachelor’s thesis titled "Open Source Information Processing" and then continued her education in Master's Degree Program "National Security". After an accelerated educational course, in 2016 she successfully defended a Master’s degree thesis related to the management and functioning of the protection system of national security which was titled "Intelligence Services in the National Security System of the Republic of Bulgaria". In October 2016, she was assigned as a PhD student in regular form of education in the professional field: 9.1 "National Security", Doctoral Program: "National Security", at the Institute for Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies at ULSIT, with dissertation topic that examines the problems related with processing and analyzing information obtained from open sources.
Ralitsa Yotova is an assistant professor at the Institute for Scientific Research and Doctoral Studies at University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. She is reading training sessions for "Information Analysis and Forecasting" disciplines at Bachelor's degree programs in professional field 9.1. National Security. She has participated actively in various national and international scientific forums and events, as well as in research projects developed by ULSIT.
She was actively involved in the summer practices organized by ULSIT from the beginning of her Bachelor's and Master's degree education, and since 2014 she is involved in organizing and conducting the International South-East Summer University (ISESU) that was adopted by Academic Council on 27 October 2014 and it is headed by Chief Assist. Prof. Diana Stoyanova. ISESU is aiming to strength the joint cooperation and unification of efforts for realization of various activities in the field of science, culture and tourism between the Rector of the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies Prof. Stoyan Denchev and the Mayors: Hristo Hristov (Municipality of Bolyarovo), Petar Kirov (Municipality of Elhovo) and Ilian Yanchev (Municipality of Malko Tarnovo).
She is a member of the National Security Expert Group at the University Youth Knowledge Academy and she is actively involved in the organization of different activities and events.