Gergana Yancheva was born on 18.04.1983 in Sofia. In 2002, she completed her secondary education at high school of English - 29-Th High School "Kuzman Shapkarev", with English language profile, Sofia. In 2014, she obtained a Bachelor's degree in "Print Communications" at the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies in Sofia, developing and defending a diploma thesis on "The Information Limit of the 21-st Century - Web and Traditional Media in the Bulgarian Media Space", headed by Assoc. Prof. Vassil Zagorov, PhD. In 2016, she successfully defended Master’s Degree in "Electronic Content: Innovation and Policies" at ULSIT. The developed and perfectly protected diploma thesis for the Master's degree is on topic "Мystifications in the Electronic Environment", with scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. Vassil Zagorov, PhD. She has worked in the field of consultancy services as a coordinator of activities and as an employee in charge of administrative services. In 2015 she is an author and editor of articles in the online media of United Nations Association of Bulgaria - UNA News Bulgaria (http://news.unabg.org/) with department: UNESCO (education, youth, culture etc.). The site presents up-to-date information about the events and initiatives of the United Nations Association in Bulgaria. Gergana Yancheva participated in scientific forums, organized by ULSIT, by presenting essays, scientific publications and posters. In the period 2010-2013 she participates in the planning and organization of the scientific conferences with international participation in ULSIT on the occasion of 1st November - "Day of the People's Leaders". Between July and August 2013, she took part in the "Student Practices" project. She is a member of the University Youth Knowledge Academy at ULSIT, “Book and Society” expert group. Gergana Yancheva participates annually with scientific publications at the scientific conference of the Youth Academy "Contemporary Strategies and Innovation in Knowledge Management".
In October 2017 she was assigned as a PhD student in a professional field: 3.5 "Public Communications and Information Sciences", doctoral program: Book Sciences, Library Sciences and Bibliography, Department of Library Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Vassil Zagorov, PhD. In the same year Yancheva became part of the team of Ch. Assoc. Prof. Marina Encheva, Ph.D., Head of the Erasmus + 2017-2020 Program. The theme of the project is "Information Literacy: A Game-based Learning Approach for Avoiding Fake Content". In addition to Erasmus +, the PhD student participates in the project "Digitalization of the Repertoire of Bulgarian Revival Books (1801-1878)”, funded by DN № 05/2 from 14.12.2016, Scientific Researchers Fund and Ministry of Education and Science.
She has good computer skills. She has the skills to work in a team, she has a creative approach for performing the assigned tasks, highly motivated to achieve high results.